Welcome to

Jelly Babies

Sunshine Beach Kindergarten

Jelly Babies Child care, Pre-school and Kindergarten is located at Sunshine Beach near Noosa on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

We provide long day care for children from 15 months to 5 years with fully qualified and highly skilled staff in all age groups.

Our comprehensive Kindergarten and early education programs operate daily in the appropriate rooms and reflect The Early Years Learning Framework as set out by the Australian Government. Jelly Babies Child Care Centre also offers before and after school care for children attending Sunshine Beach State Primary School and St. Thomas More Primary School.

Our ProgamsAbout Us

Our Programs


Children engage in a stimulating, engaging, challenging and relevant program focusing on their individual needs and abilities. The program will assist children with the knowledge, understandings and skills to assist with future life experiences.
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Pre Kindy

For children aged 3 to 4 years – this program aims to develop the children’s self esteem and their positive attitude to learning. They will gain a better understanding of themselves and their potential.
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Junior Kindy

For children aged 2 to 3 years, at Junior Kindy We encourage children to separate confidently from parents, adjust well to the routines of the Centre, develop independence in caring for their own belongings, develop confidence in selecting activities and pursuing interests, and much more.
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For children aged 15 months to 2 years – Toddlers will “explore, discover and enjoy”. Our Toddler program will enrich, organise and structure the children’s environment to provide choices from a wide variety of activities and resources that stimulate their senses and natural curiosity to explore and discover.
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School Age Care

Sunshine Beach Chid Care Centre (Jelly Babies) Outside School Hours Care Philosophy is guided by children’s, families and educator’s input, ideas and belief systems. Our philosophy, like our program, fosters children’s well being, development and learning through recreational experiences.
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Bush Kindy

At Jellybabies, we believe that children can derive tremendous benefit from taking part in regular nature play and learning outside of the classroom. Active outdoor learning and frequent nature play readily develops the learning skills of enquiry, experiment, feedback, reflection, review, communication, problem solving, an enterprising attitude and cooperative learning
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